Policy makers should listen to this message from Richard Taylor, Dementia Alliance International

There is a motto in the National Health Service, used to varying degrees of success, which goes ‘No decision about me without me.”

We are currently in the middle of Dementia Awareness Week 2014 (18 May – 24 May 2014).

It is therefore timely that Richard Taylor has provided this comment, as a member of the increasingly important ‘Dementia Alliance International‘.

“What this world needs is more people living with the symptoms of dementia of this or that type standing up and speaking out. It also needs writers, politicians, Alzheimer’s Societies and Organization, researcher, fund raisers, caregivers, physicians, etc., etc. to first become better informed from the real dementia experts (persons living with the symptoms), and then to stand up and speak out for the rights, enabling support, and frontal assault on the stigmas of dementia and those who use them to perpetuate their own agenda.”


To read the ‘core beliefs’ of the Dementia Alliance International, please visit here.