My Dementia Friends information sessions to be held at the BPP Law School Holborn September-December 2014

I am looking forward to running a number of 45 minute information sessions about dementia at BPP Law School (@BPPLawSchool).

They will all start at 3.45 pm.

Nine of the sessions will be held in the standard supervision rooms for teaching of law students in the pre-solicitor part of their training before they assume training contracts with law firms.

One of the sessions will be in the formidable lecture theatre of the BPP Law School in Holborn, used to lecture law students.


I will be running ten sessions between now and March 2015.

You can only attend if you sign up on the official Dementia Friends website – I will post the details there soon.

To sign-up, you’ll have to go to a link I will announce in advance on the ‘Dementia Friends’ website.

Because of security arrangements at this teaching institution, it will be impossible to turn up uninvited. There will be a sign in sheet you will have to sign if you turn up.

The venue will be wheelchair accessible; though please let me know if you have any special mobility arrangements.

I can easily be contacted on @legalaware or on @dementia_2014.

My aim is that my sessions will be mainly attended by ” lawyers-to-be ” law students (prior to their solicitor training), lecturers, members of the Queen’s Counsel to be, and staff at the law school

For general information about @dementiafriends you might find following their Twitter timeline useful.

Dementia Friends is an initiative from the Alzheimer’s Society and Public Health England. My sessions will be held at BPP Law School, but these sessions are not to be taken as endorsement of either party by the other.

The aim of the session is to introduce you to five basic facts about dementia through some fun interactive exercises.

The session on 4th December 2014 – will be held in the giant lecture theatre of BPP Law School Holborn.

The exact address is: BPP Law School, 68-70 Red Lion Street, London, WC1R 4NY. Tel: 020 7430 2304 Fax: 020 7404 1389.


This lecture theatre can host around 100-150 people so this session might be one of the biggest @DementiaFriends sessions ever!


Planned dates are as follows:

Session 1 : Thursday 24th July 2014

Session 2 : Thursday 14th August 2014

Book for any of these sessions:

(Session 3 is to be rearranged due to an unavoidable conflict on the part of the host.)

Session 4 : Thursday 16th October 2014

Book here.

Session 5 : Thursday 13th November 2014

Book here.

Session 6 : Thursday 4th December 2014

Book here.

Next year’s sessions:

Session 7 : Thursday 15th January 2015

Session 8 : Thursday 5th February 2015

Session 9 : Thursday 26th February 2015

Session 10 : Thursday 19th March 2015