Dementia friendliness is so 2014



It’s time to “get real” about the direction of initiatives to do with dementia.


I ‘get’ single issue politics such as Brexit. I understand how charities are organised by individual conditions. There’s no fundraising for multimorbidity, apart from general taxation. Individuals and organisations can yield power and influence, and, having devoted myself to various aspects of dementia over much of my adult life, and in being a full time carer of a mum with dementia, it is concerning and some regret for me that there is such a high degree of lack of critical evaluation of national initiatives in dementia?


I understand the pressure for commissioners to get “ready” results, in particular to be seen to be doing “something” about dementia. I fully have sympathy with the drive to offload needs onto social enterprises and charities.


However, I feel that the wider goal of ‘dementia friendly communities’ is a deceitful notion, intentionally or not. There are 900,000 people in the UK currently with a diagnosis of dementia, and a sizeable proportion of these cannot speak, eat or drink in a timely way, get to the toilet on time, and so on. Not everyone, by a long stretch, is ‘living well with dementia’. Not everyone is giving annual talks at conferences, publishing books, or travelling half way across the world. There are people who have been left behind by this rather unpleasant branding of ‘dementia superheroes’. This is far more than ‘advocate envy’, I should emphasise.


As a son of a mum with dementia, when I tell others about mum’s diagnosis, I still get the response, “Poor you” or “How devastating”.  This is despite, or even because of, five years of ‘raising awareness’. Did we get an objectively measured fall in stigma or increase in inclusivity when we went from two million ‘Dementia Friends’ to three million friends? How is it that I still hear of commissioners who, to save money in budgets, have deliberately not invested in high quality training in preference to commissioning ‘Dementia Friends’, because Dementia Friends awareness raising sessions come free?  How has this lie, that ‘Dementia Friends’ training are an adequate form of training, been allowed to continue for so long? The term ‘dementia sufferers’ is still widespread, despite the huge quanta of grants awarded on ‘dementia language’.


I have listened to the justification for ridiculous ghettoization, such as ‘dementia friendly villages’. It is worth thinking through the practicalities of such initiatives. People with dementia living in a cluster is not integration. It is segregation; at worst it is a form of apartheid based on mental capacity. Furthermore, everyone has the right to a correct and reliable diagnosis. There are people living with dementia who have amassed a “celebrity status”, so that it would be difficult to encourage them to have their diagnoses revised, even if they are not showing any clear decline in cognitive performance from their regular appearances at public events. If their diagnoses are not so robust, should they be ethically fronting ‘dementia friendly communities’?


The secondary gain is so potentially significant. This is not a question about undermining diagnoses or undermining people; rather it is a case for respecting all people, and it is a plea for people living publicly with dementia to receive the correct diagnoses, so that they can receive the correct approaches for them, ranging from a cognitive enhancer to cognitive behavioural therapy. I am the very last person to shoot the messenger especially when the message is perhaps itself at fault. But some advocates are not at face value changing in cognitive performance at all, unlike the vast majority who have dementia. If you’re talking ‘carrots’ and ‘sticks’, one huge carrot is the need to understand the mechanisms of the dementias better, and to find a reliable medication for slowing dementia right down, rather than ‘dementia friendly gym gear’ and so forth.


The problem is that with this relative under-representation of people with more substantial cognitive deficits or physical problems such as swallowing or continence problems, or no representation of the views of the carers of people ‘living publicly with dementia’, you might reasonably come to the incorrect conclusion that everyone is living well with dementia independently in their own homes; and that anything less is a failure, including a failure of caring often by unpaid family members like me completely at the end of their tether. We have seen umpteen reports and statements about human rights – but, as per autism and learning difficulties, and bad care, has anything substantially changed?


How many of ‘I statements’ have led to substantial actionable statements of ‘dementia rights’? What is objectively objectionable is to make rights the domain of those who are most articulate and who have better resources, when rights are actually inalienable and universal.


Are people with more advanced dementia or carers likely to support a charity which is more concerned about promoting themselves or a better shopping experience? At a time when most dementia trials, like politicians, have resulted in failure, we need to be encouraging interest in and fundraising to charities which genuinely fund groundbreaking research?


We need to invest in the NHS, social care and the top research. I feel that, with initiatives such as the Dementia Research Institute are brilliant. However, overall, unfortunately, I feel that 2014-9 can be looked back upon as a time when there was a lot of puffery and marketing, but little which actually helped, such as reforming the beleaguered social care system, a can kicked a long way down the line. But by 2020 a lot of people might have moved on anyway, and it’s high time we had a quiet word in some people’s shells.



“A community where we’re nice to everyone? It might catch on.”

The word ‘friendly’ in the term “dementia friendly communities” defies definition. At the very worst, it has a twang of “does he take sugar?” about it.

The reasonable question which most of us have thought about is why focus on people with dementia? This from a commissioner’s perspective is a worthy one – why not “depression friendly communities” or “first episode psychosis friendly communities”?

It is indeed curious how much friendliness can be compatible with division.

Take for example the historic segregation in Cape Town, South Africa. It is argued that racial segregation was facilitated by spatial urban planning which imposed natural boundaries such that the centre could be a ‘white only’ zone.

The whole history of how segregation was achieved this way is described succinctly in an article.

spatial planning

It’s possible, though I do not know the precise findings, that people who are of the same colour tend to live together. This has of course been the subject of many previous discussions, often heated, about whether we truly live in a ‘multicultural society’.

Even beyond this traditional segregation, even in a society which allegedly has accepted differences, as say defined by the protected characteristics under equality legislation, it is possible for tacit division still to persist.

For example, a blogpost recently boasted of destinations which were particularly friendly to the ‘young black professional‘.

Where am I heading with this? I am simply saying that cultural divisions can exist even if protection is enforced within the law. I have referred to this as ‘moral rights’ because for legal rights to exist they need to be part of the law (either common law or in statute) first. Racial discrimination was abhorrent, many feel, before formally legislated upon.

This has all come to the fore with the issue of ‘rights based approaches'; that everyone has legal human rights, which protect dignity, and right to a private life, and protect from discrimination.

The problem with any law is that the law is only as effective as how well it is drafted, or how it is enforced. For example, the lack of efficacy of the national minimum wage has in large part been to lack of effective enforcement, it has been argued.

I feel ‘standards’ for dementia friendly communities are helpful, such as those from the Alzheimer’s Society, otherwise the term itself is open to abuse.

But it is important to be clear about what a dementia friendly community is definitely. Lack of inclusion of an obvious issue in this quasi-legal framework could render it seemingly unimportant.

For example, some ‘gay friendly cities‘ have been defined thus: “Publications like “The Advocate” base their annual rankings on criteria like the number of LGBT elected officials and protective policies and legislation, as well as the community’s level of participation in gay friendly sports, competitions, and social groups. ”

And indeed it is currently a “right”, under the UN Convention for Rights of People with Disabilities, for people with disabilities (however defined) to have proper democratic representation.

For example, article 29 defines a right to be included in political and public life, including an encouragement for “participation in public affairs”.

Should not a World Dementia Council have included from the start a person living with dementia who was democratically nominated onto that panel? Surely that comes under dementia friendly communities?

The alternative is that we do treat everyone equally, with kindness.

“A community where we’re nice to everyone? It might catch on.”