Communication skills for medical students on disclosing the possible diagnosis of dementia

Dr Sharma and I will be hosting a communication skills session for final year medical students on Sunday.

We intend to use the following mock scenario on disclosing a diagnosis of dementia.

The aim of this session is to discuss how communication skills are assessed in medical examinations.


This is the actual example scenario on the MRCP(UK) website. The MRCP(UK) is the examination for the Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians.

The current marksheets are here.

The current criteria:

Clinical Communication Skills
Explains relevant clinical information in an Accurate
Comprehensive Fluent and Professional manner

Managing Patients’ Concerns
Seeks, detects, acknowledges and attempts to address patient’s or relative’s concerns
Confirms patient’s or relative’s knowledge and understanding

Clinical Judgement
Selects or negotiates a sensible and appropriate management plan for this patient, relative or clinical situation
Can apply clinical knowledge, including knowledge of law and ethics, to this case

Maintaining Patient Welfare
Treats patient respectfully and sensitively and ensures comfort, safety and dignity




