
I’ve been finalising copyright permissions for my book this week.

It’s been a lot of work, but it’s very important.


In general, I have acknowledged people in the main text, and cited the sources of extracts clearly wherever possible. I should particularly like to thank the following for being very kind in providing for me relevant copyright permissions: Beth Britton (specialist blogger on dementia issues), BMJ Publishing Group Limited (for extracts from original articles in the ‘British Medical Journal’ and ‘Journal of Medical Ethics’), Department of Health (for extracts under open license of crown copyright publications from their Government department and for extracts from the ‘NHS Choices’ website), Dr Martin Brunet (rapid response to a BMJ article), Gill Phillips (for ‘Whose Shoes’ material, on behalf of Nutshell Communications Limited), Guardian and Observer newspaper (for short extracts), Hawker Publications Limited (for an extract from ‘Journal of Dementia Care’), Local Government Association, National Council for Palliative Care, Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Sue Learner, and the World Health Organization (and Alzheimer’s Disease International, for extracts from “Dementia: a public health priority”).

I am also especially grateful to Simona Florio and her management team, and individuals pictured themselves, at the “Healthy Living Club” (in Stockwell, London) for kind permission of photographs provided in figures 7.1 and 10.1 of this book.

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