50 shades of drivel in incentivising dementia diagnosis in primary care in England

50 shades

Nobody wants a person waiting unreasonably for a correct diagnosis of dementia.

This discussion is NOT about that.

The now infamous odious scheme from NHS England was designed to give GP surgeries £55 for every patient on their list who has been diagnosed with dementia in the six months up to next March, as part of a drive to get the rate of diagnosis up from about 50% to two-thirds of all those who develop the condition.

Identifying dementia in primary care could minimise the impact of a late intervention; however, it shows high rates of misdiagnosis.

Any misdiagnosis as dementia is of course a disaster professionally.

One of the reasons for problems in primary care may bethe lack of knowledge of adequate cognitive screening instruments.

This is not because it’s the GPs’ “fault”. This is an incredibly specialised area which needs to be done by trained professionals.

Yokomizo, Simon and Bottino (2014) indeed suggested:

“[Screening] Tests such as 6CIT, AMT, GPCOG, Mini-Cog, MIS, MoCA, and STMS seem to be good alternatives to the use of the Mini-Mental State Examination when considering factors such as application time, sensitivity, specificity, and number of studies. However, there is a wide range of tests with different characteristics, therefore it is recommended that the professional gets some expertise in a few number of instruments in order to be able to choose which to use, or use in combination, depending on the setting and the profile of the patient.”

The way in which the policy of incentivised case finding for dementia was introduced is beyond contempt.

The dementia identification scheme was not approved by the BMA GPs committee in negotiations on the 2015/16 GP contract. But this is symbolic of the general arrogant way in which policy seems to be imposed in a ‘there is no alternative’ manner.

In October 2014,  the GPC deputy chair Richard Vautrey said GPs did not need a financial incentive to diagnose dementia, which was something they were already doing, and the investment would be better spent supporting practices to care for these patients.

He said,

“Diagnosis of dementia is important, but chasing government targets is not, particularly if this undermines the doctor-patient relationship, which this proposal could do.”

Historically, the incentivisation of General Practitioners (GPs) to diagnose dementia began in 2011 with updated dementia strategy.

It is now becoming a matter of transparency and integrity that NHS England publishes the official impact assessment which accompanies this policy, and identify clearly where the sources for this policy lie.

Major depressive disorder can present with profound memory problems; it can also present with other symptoms, more traditionally associated with problems in the front of the brain, such as poor planning or apathy.

Major depressive disorder with psychotic features is relatively frequent in patients with greater depressive symptom severity and is associated with a poorer course of illness and greater functional impairment than MDD without psychotic features.

Multiple studies have found that patients with psychotic mood disorders demonstrate significantly poorer cognitive performance in a variety of areas than those with nonpsychotic mood disorders. The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Dementia Rating Scale, Second Edition (DRS-2) are widely used to measure cognitive functions in research on MDD with psychotic features.

Wagner and colleagues (2011) reported that:

“the suggested cut-off scores for the MMSE and the DRS-2 in patients with MDD with psychotic features may in some cases produce false-positive indications of dementia.”

A risk of the incentivising scheme is that it potentially undermines the bond of trust between doctors and patients by giving GPs for the first time a financial incentive to diagnose a specific condition.

Whilst certain people who are accountable to boards of trustees or shareholders, GPs are accountable to their patients and to the clinical regulator, the General Medical Council.

Putting it politely, GPs are sitting on quite an explosive matter, and it’s fair to say that existent memory clinics could be better.

It can be difficult to persuade a patient, who is generally apprehensive about the diagnosis, to go to the psychiatric hospital for a memory assessment, especially when post-diagnostic support can be so patchy and poor.

The scheme is a textbook perverse incentive. The initiative is intrinsically unfair because it potentially GP practices with the previously lowest rates of diagnosis the most money.

The policy, more importantly, offends many professional physicians, who have studied medicine, both intellectually and ethically.

Dr Martin Brunet comments:

“We need a Memory Worker in every GP practice; someone who will visit the home within days of a diagnosis, offering flesh-and-blood support to anyone living with dementia. They don’t need to be nurses – though they could call upon their expertise if things get difficult – but they need to have time: time to listen; time to sit; time to visit regularly so that they become a familiar face, a friend even; a travelling companion on the journey called dementia.

These Memory Workers would need to be trained. Get someone like the fabulous dementia campaigner Beth Britton to head this up – hearing her talk for half an hour is enough to inspire anyone to see the person behind the dementia and to recognise the importance of expanding horizons rather than closing them down. We would need thousands of workers, of course, even if each one covered two or three practices. Can we find people to do this work? Of course we can, but it will take time, so we need to start now.”

But a group of GPs (Bell and colleagues, 2015)have further broken rank in an article entitled, “A diagnosis for £55: what is the cost of government initiatives in dementia case finding”

“Not only are we concerned about not reducing the memory gap, but the incentivisation of diagnoses of dementia has the potential to make things worse. The dementia diagnosis rate in Sheffield is higher than most (62%), but this creates more follow-up and support for people with dementia.

This affect waiting lists in the memory clinics, which have increased. A lot of work and resources have been spent to reduce the wait. We investigated the quality of GP referrals to memory clinics. Seventy-six per cent of GP referrals to our memory clinic included cognitive screens. The screens such as the 6CIT have good sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease to health volunteers who responded to an invitation to help in research on dementia. These tools will not have the same sensitivity and specificity if conducted on people who attend GPs with cognitive complaints, as this population will likely include many with functional memory disorder and due to depression. GPs are asked to exclude reversible causes of dementia. Testing of B12 and folate was high, but mood screening was included in only 26%. Depression is a severe debilitating disorder that is treatable. It is also a common comorbidity in people with dementia. We suggest that the financial incentivisation of the diagnosis of dementia may not achieve its targets in reducing the dementia gap, will increase the strain on GPs and Memory clinics, which may adversely affect waiting times and the provision of good-quality post diagnosis care and support for people with dementia and their families.”

The question is: where are the clinical leaders who wish to speak out the problems with this incredibly problematic policy?


Bell S, Harkness K, Dickson JM, Blackburn D. A diagnosis for £55: what is the cost of government initiatives in dementia case finding. Age Ageing. 2015 Jan 24. pii: afu205. Citation  here.

Wagner GS, McClintock SM, Rosenquist PB, McCall WV, Kahn DA. Major depressive disorder with psychotic features may lead to misdiagnosis of dementia: a case report and review of the literature. J Psychiatr Pract. 2011 Nov;17(6):432-8. doi: 10.1097/01.pra.0000407968.57475.ab. The citation is here.

Yokomizo JE, Simon SS, Bottino CM. Cognitive screening for dementia in primary care: a systematic review. Int Psychogeriatr. 2014 Nov;26(11):1783-804. doi: 10.1017/S1041610214001082. Epub 2014 Jul 15. Citation here.


Why have people living well with dementia become “the squeezed middle”?

There’s been a huge amount of discussion as to who the real victims of the great international economic crash, caused by investment bankers, are.

One term which has been used has been “the squeezed middle“.

Irrespective of who exactly constitutes “the middle”, there is some general disquiet that the word “squeezed” perhaps is not necessary the most appropriate adjective. “Squeezed”, as others have suggested, moots ‘a mild discomfort’ rather than something which should cause much concern.

Likewise, both domestic and international policy in the dementias, I feel, suffer from this “squeezed middle” phenomenon. Here, the people with dementia themselves, and friends and family, become squeezed.

Paid carers often have an unpleasant settlement, in having to deliver care in fifteen minute slots, little job security sold in the name of ‘flexibility’ through zero hour contracts, no reimbursed expenses for travelling time, and sometimes breach of the national minimum wage.

Since the launch of G7dementia and the Prime Minister Dementia Challenge, arguably a form of ‘glocal’ marketing, there has been much interest as to who has been calling the shots.

We cannot go on like this.

When people speak of ‘not losing the momentum’ from the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge, there is often completely inadequate analysis to accompany.

We do not know as yet how much ‘communication’ has turned into ‘action’ with Dementia Friends, though achieving 900 000 “Dementia Friends” has arguably been an achievement. As a “Dementia Friend Champion”, I feel honoured to have been part of this social movement.

But policy runs the risk of overplaying its hand in discussion of prevention and risk factors. It’s thought that non-modifiable risk factors comprise quite a significant proportion of people with dementia.

At the other end of policy, we have the unseemly spectacle of ‘thought leaders’, some of which with unclear conflicts of interest, suggesting reduction of antipsychotic prescriptions in dementia, when they were the very ‘experts’ who were promoting the antipsychotics in the first place.

The idea that people with dementia, once they have received a robust diagnosis, can live well jars with a reality where people with dementia are left languishing without any involvement from health or care services in England.

When I first mooted the idea of ‘living well with dementia’, it was accompanied by quite significant apathy from clinical professionals.

The full details of my first book, “Living well with dementia: the importance of the person and the environment”, are here.

I have mostly seen discussion of ‘living well with dementia’ reduced to sloganeering and trite soundbites, when a change in culture was necessary.

This nearly excited coincided with ‘change agents’, ‘boat rocking’ and so on, accompanied by a “feel the lurrrrve” style of social media campaigning, which excluded the very people who needed to be involved.

A glowing example of failure of inclusion has been the tardiness with which a person living with dementia was opted onto the World Dementia Council; and even there, in the end, the person was not elected, and parachuted in through what appears to have been decision-by-CEO-emails.

So, in between the drive to prevention and risk factors, which no doubt includes health clubs in the private sector, looking forward in a view of five years or so, and a drive to keep drugs in the spotlight in later stages, there are the “squeezed middle”.

In reviewing the effects of the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge, it would be great also to look at parts of policy which really have not worked well, like the slashing of legal aid and problems in equity for advocacy.

The talk of improving the wellbeing of caregivers continues, but talk is cheap. You have to put your money where your mouth is.

Why is it claimed that 9 out of 10 care homes fail patients living with dementia, even after the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge?

I’d be the first to be delighted if there were a cure discovered for any of the hundred or so dementias. But we need a bit of the sunshine disinfectant Jeremy Hunt is so keen to share.

It has recently been reported that:

“Scientific and financial challenges have meant that, between 1998 and 2012, there were 101 unsuccessful attempts to develop drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, with only three drugs gaining approval for treating symptoms of the disease, it said.”

The whole world waits with baited breath as to what the forthcoming ADI and WHO meetings in Geneva will present.

But I suggest you don’t get your hopes up with the convincing rhetoric.

Book launches by Kate Swaffer and Shibley Rahman in Camden in June 2015

Kate and I are making available a limited number of tickets for our joint event, to celebrate publication of our books on dementia later this year. This event is mainly by invite-only. If, however, you wish to be considered for one of these other tickets, we’d be delighted to meet you. Details of the event are here.   We provisionally intend to hold this event on Saturday 27th June 2015 between 12 pm and 6 pm at the Arlington Centre, Camden.     1. Kate Swaffer (@KateSwaffer) and Dr Shibley Rahman (@legalaware) intend to do a joint book launch later this year. Both books are being published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers later this year. Kate’s book is called, “What the hell happened to my brain?” Details are here. Information about this book:

“Kate Swaffer was 49 years old when she was diagnosed with a rare form of young onset dementia. Here, she insightfully explores issues relating to that experience, such as giving up employment and driving, breaking the news to family, having a suddenly reduced social circle, stigma surrounding dementia and inadequacies in care and support. Kate also shares her experiences in dementia activism and advocacy, highlighting the important role of social media in combatting isolation post-diagnosis. Kate’s empowering words will challenge preconceptions on dementia, highlight the issues that impact individuals living with a dementia diagnosis, and act as a source of comfort for them and their loved ones. The book will also be of interest to dementia care professionals.”

2. Shibley’s book is called “Living better with dementia: looking forward to the future”, as a follow-up to his irst book “Living well with the dementia: the importance of the person and the environment” which was received with critical acclaim. Details are here. Information about this book:

“What do national dementia strategies, constantly evolving policy and ongoing funding difficulties mean for people living well with dementia? Adopting a broad and inclusive approach, Shibley Rahman presents a thorough critical analysis of existing dementia policy, and tackles head-on current and controversial topics at the forefront of public and political debate, such as diagnosis in primary care, access to services for marginalised groups, stigma and discrimination, integrated care, personal health budgets, personalised medicine and the use of GPS tracking. Drawing on a wealth of diverse research, and including voices from all reaches of the globe, he identifies current policy challenges for living well with dementia, and highlights pockets of innovation and good practice to inform practical solutions for living better with dementia in the future. A unique and cohesive account of where dementia care practice and policy needs to head, and why, and how this can be achieved, this is crucial reading for dementia care professionals, service commissioners, public health officials and policy makers, as well as academics and students in these fields.”

Kate and Shibley have decided to make a limited number of tickets for this free event for this book launch available to all, but the event is generally by invitation only. If you’d like you to be considered for one of these limited number of tickets, please do let us know. Dr Shibley Rahman @legalaware